The first Wahine Toa programme of 2024 was delivered by WaiBOP Football in Kirikiriroa / Hamilton over two days last week. Almost 50 kōhine / young women, aged from 12-14 and ten coaches were involved in the two day football and futsal programme over 11th and 12th July.
Now in it’s third year, Wahine Toa aims to foster connection and community for our female players in the rohe / region, building self-confidence and leadership through a shared love of football and futsal. The programme brings together young women from clubs and schools across the rohe / region and included players of all skill levels—from community to competitive and talent.
Developed and driven by WaiBOP Women's Development Officer Nat Broadhead, the programme packed in a lot of learning and fun over two full days. The sessions included goalkeeper training, Te Uru Pūkenga/coaching skills and the basics of refereeing as well as football and futsal sessions. In the classroom, the focus was learning about E Tū Tāngata (Stand Tall) and Te Whare Tapa Whā (the cornerstones of overall hauora/wellbeing), as well as exploring the Balance is Better principles.
In addition, guest speakers Erena Mikaere & Georgia Takarangi from Waikato Bay of Plenty Magic Netball talked about their journeys into professional sport and some of the challenges they have faced along the way.
Megan Lee (NZF) talked about the female athlete and looking after your body, with a specific focus on injury prevention.
Some of the themes that came up through the two days were around resilience and a growth mindset, not comparing yourself to others, and ongoing reminders that everyone’s journey is different and everyone is a leader in their own right through the different roles they play in their lives.
Nat says “We put together a programme that allows our kōhine to try a range of new things, in a safe space.”
Wahine Toa translates as both Sportswoman, as well as Warrior, or Strong Woman.
The programme was first created and delivered as a pilot in September 2022 in Hamilton by Nat Broadhead and Vicki Lahana, who has since moved to a role with Waikato Hockey.
WaiBOP Football are immensely grateful to have received funding from Hine te Hiringa – Empower Women, a fund established by the Department of Internal Affairs as part of the legacy of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. This funding has been integral in supporting the delivery of the programme and to make it accessible for participants.
A second Wahine Toa programme is being planned in the Bay of Plenty in the September school holidays.
E Tu Tangata
Te Whare Tapa Whā
Balance is Better
Article added: Saturday 20 July 2024