Refreshed strategy for football

Football in this country is set to enter a new era with its strategic direction undergoing a refresh in 2019 to reflect the ever-changing needs of participants in the game and New Zealand society.

The refreshed approach is outlined in ‘Football in New Zealand: The Strategic Direction 2020 – 2026’, which can be viewed by clicking HERE

The strategy was informed by a wide range of people involved in all levels of the game, who had their say via a series of regional and national engagement workshops over the past six months. 

The result is a strategic direction that New Zealand Football chief executive Andrew Pragnell feels will serve the game well over the coming years. 

“An important point to note is that this represents a strategy for the sport itself and not just New Zealand Football,” he says.

“The strategy reflects what we have heard from those involved in football at all levels and unites the game under a common purpose – to enrich lives and connect people through positive experiences to build strong communities.”

New Zealand Football’s previous strategic plan was established in 2016 and had indicated the need for a refresh in 2019. 

While the refresh does not signal wholesale change there are some significant shifts in the new strategy.

“These include an elevated purpose, new values at the heart of the strategy and four key outcome areas that have a strong call for the game to adapt to meet changes in society and better represent all New Zealand communities,” Pragnell explains.

“We’re looking forward to joining with everyone involved in football all over the country in bringing this strategy to life and helping more New Zealanders fall in love with the game.”


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