JUNIOR COACH EDUCATION Better Coaches | Better Players

JUNIOR COACHING COURSES are suitable for those who coach from First Kicks to U12

NZF Learn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

NZF Learn offers coaches the opportunity to learn in their own time, whilst still holding onto the most important part of a course: the in-person engagement with peers, and educators and the quality conversations which take place at those times.

The community courses below are now available. These courses consist of both online modules and an in-person practical component.

  • FUN-damentals of Junior Coaching Award
  • Junior Level 1 Coaching Award

We encourage you to complete the online modules before attending the practical session.

NOTE: You need to register for the online session and the practical session separately. 

The Fun-damentals of Junior Coaching Award

This is for Team Leaders working with 4-9 year old players.

Leading a team of 4-9 year olds is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. You can foster a lifelong love of the game and provide a foundation of skill and movement development for the next generation of players.

Often in this age group, our Team Leaders wear many hats, acting as coaches, referees and chief fun officers! This course will provide valuable information on how to juggle the demands of training and Game Day and get the best out of this exciting age group.


The theory part of this award is done online through NZF Learn, and should take around 1 hour to complete. There is no cost. Please select WaiBOP as your Football Federation. 


The practical, in person, part of this course is offered throughout the year depending on demand. Scheduled sessions for the practical sessions are listed below. You need to register for the Date and Location of the practical session you wish to attend. 

To help our planning, when you register for the online course and there is no practical listed in your area, please drop us an email and let us know where in the Waikato / Bay of Plenty you are located so we know where to schedule future sessions. Email Us Here​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Fundamentals to Junior Coaching

Western Ave. Sportsgrounds, Omokoroa

Monday 28 April


Registration: https://nzflearn.co.nz/?p=70837

NZF Junior Level 1

The course covers the basics of coaching the 9 – 13 year old age group.

The course focuses on understanding the specific needs of this age group, how to build fun and inclusive environments and how to develop players skills in a way that is appropriate for this phase of development.

The theory part of this award is done online through NZF Learn, and should take around 2 hours to complete. There is no cost. Please select WaiBOP as your Football Federation. 



The practical, in person, part of this course is offered throughout the year depending on demand.

Ideally, you would complete the theory before the practical session.

Scheduled sessions for the practical sessions are listed below. You need to register for the Date and Location of the practical session you wish to attend. 

To help our planning, when you register for the online course and there is no practical listed in your area, please drop us an email and let us know where in the Waikato / Bay of Plenty you are located so we know where to schedule future sessions. Email Us Here


Junior Level 1 ​​​​​​​

10:00am - 11:45am

13th April 2025

Moewai Sports Park, Whitianga


Junior Level 1 (Female Coaches Only)

Fergusson Park, Otumoetai

Friday 28 March


Registration: https://nzflearn.co.nz/?p=70831

Junior Level 1

Fergusson Park, Otumoetai

Friday 2 May


Registration: https://nzflearn.co.nz/?p=70841


The Junior Level 2 course has been designed for coaches working with grassroots/aspiring players aged 9-13 years. It provides coaches with an opportunity to further develop knowledge and understanding of both practical and theoretical aspects of coaching junior players in Skill Acquisition (9-13 years) Phase.
Content covered: 

  • Physical development
  • Designing games for learning
  • Dealing with difference
  • Activity delivery

​​​​​​​NOTE: This course has both theory and practical components. Candidates should come prepared with the necessary note taking stationery as well as the necessary attire for participation in the on-field practical.

For more information:

Scott Parsonage scott.p@waibop.co.nz or 021 915 459.
Nico Girard nico.g@waibop.co.nz or 021 063 9371.

Junior Level 2​​​​​​​

12:30pm - 2:30pm

13th April 2025

Moewai Sports Park, Whitianga


Junior Level 2

Fergusson Park, Otumoetai

Friday 23 May

Registration: https://nzflearn.co.nz/?p=70847


​​​​​​​Course Overview

This course is aimed at coaches looking to provide a comprehensive programme for Junior Footballers (grassroots through to talented players aged 9-12 years), allowing them to flourish both as young players and as young people. Focusing on skill acquisition, it will provide coaches with the knowledge, tools and ability to create a development programme that ensures that all players are involved in appropriate activities and the appropriate times.

From a club prospective, having NZF Junior Level 3 qualified coaches will allow you to better support the development of junior players within your community and also position your club to be able to participate and benefit from being involved in future WaiBOP and NZF junior player development programmes such as the Weir Rose Bowl. 

Course Content

  • Skill acquisition.
  • Analysis of players in the game.
  • The coaching process.
  • Planning a development programme.


For more information contact futsal@waibop.co.nz


The Introduction to Futsal Course presents new or existing coaches with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the game and how it can help develop future players. The course is designed to provide all attending with an introduction to the NZF Whole of Football Plan and how Futsal is a key part of it as a game in its own right as well as a development tool for those playing in the game of Football.


  • Course information TBC.

The Futsal Level 1 Coaching Award presents coaches working with within Futsal with an informative guide to leading coaching sessions and taking a team on game days. The course is designed to provide Futsal coaches with the ability to design appropriate sessions as well as have an understanding of basic tactics and formations. The course aims to enable coaches to prepare and deliver a programme of coaching sessions with focus on developing particular techniques that are specific to Futsal.

It is also a prerequisite for the NZF Futsal Level 2 Coaching Award. The information covered on this course, alongside Futsal Level 1 Course content on Football Online, will provide a sound footing for coaches currently working with Futsal teams to build their coach education on.