YOUTH COACH EDUCATION Better Coaches | Better Players

YOUTH COACHING COURSES are suitable for those who coach from U13 to U17

NZF Learn​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

All online courses are delivered through the NZF Learn online learning platform.

It provides online modules for coaches and referees that can be completed from the comfort of your own home, allowing you to learn about key concepts before bringing the learning to life on the field or court.​​​​​​​

NZF Youth Level 1

This course covers the basics of coaching the 13-19 year old age groups.

As a coach of this age group, you will begin to introduce team development while building on the skills built in earlier phases of development. This course will help you provide safe and inclusive environments that provide the right conditions for the growth and enjoyment of the game.

The theory part of this award is done online through NZF Learn, and should take around 3 hours to complete. There is no cost. Please select WaiBOP as your Football Federation. 


The practical, in person, part of this course is offered throughout the year depending on demand.

Ideally, you would complete the theory before the practical session.

Scheduled sessions for the practical sessions are listed below. You need to register for the Date and Location of the practical session you wish to attend, as well as for the theory.

To help our planning, when you register for the online course, please drop us an email and let us know where in the Waikato / Bay of Plenty you are located to help us plan our practical sessions. Email Us Here

Youth Level 1

Fergusson Park, Otumoetai

Friday 9 May



Cost: $60.


Note: The prerequisite to this course is the Youth Level 1. 

If you would like to schedule a course for your club, contact:

Youth Level 2 / Senior Level 1

No courses currently scheduled.
Please note: This course covers content for both Senior and Youth coaches. Please register for the qualification you wish to receive.

NOTE: These courses have both theory and practical components. Candidates should come prepared with the necessary note taking stationery as well as the necessary atire for participation in the on-field practical.

If you would like to schedule a course for your club, contact:

Scott Parsonage or 021 915 459.
Nico Girard or 021 063 9371.

OFC/NZF C LICENSE (Youth/Senior)

Course Overview

This course is aimed at developing coaches that are working with talented players aged 13-19 years or senior players. This course has been developed from researching best practice methods from all over the world and is based on the The Professional Coaching Model, an approach that is structured to promote high level learning and allow coaches to design season long programmes to help their players solve football problems.

Course Content incudes

  • Match analysis.
  • The objectives and structure of Football.
  • The NZF Philosophy and Vision.
  • The NZF Team Model.
  • Developing a coaching process.
  • Plan, prepare, conduct and evaluate a game training session

In addition the Youth 3 component also covers:

  • Managing youth players.
  • Age appropriate, holistic development of youth footballers.

Course Details

2024  - November 7-10th - Tauranga City Clubrooms, 130 Links Avenue. 

Questions, please contact Nico Girard or 021 063 9371.

NOTE: This course has both theory and practical components. Candidates should come prepared with the necessary note taking stationery as well as the necessary atire for participation in the on-field practical.

2024 Course Details​​​​​​​​​​​​​

November 7-10th 2024

Tauranga City Clubrooms, 130 Links Avenue.