Football Women in Leadership

Last weekend we welcomed eighteen women, representing all five corners of the Waikato-Bay of Plenty region, to the first ever WaiBOP Football Women in Leadership programme.  

It was a full two-day programme covering values, strengths, passions, preferred behaviours, wellbeing, leadership, and communication, interspersed with whakawhanaungatanga activities to get to know each other and keep the energy flowing.

The programme uses human-centred leadership frameworks and practices, and focuses on the learning gained through the journey, rather than the outcome.

This was part one, with a further online Zoom later in November and a 1-day, in-person, workshop in January. 

Everyone is working on a project to deliver within their football club or community over the next few months. There will be more details coming out on both the leadership programme and the projects.

Thank you to our expert facilitator, Sarah Leberman MNZM, Professor of Leadership at Massey University. Thank you also to Roxanna Holdsworth from Sport Waikato for sharing insights into women and girls being active and the This is ME® campaign.

A massive thank you to everyone who attended the programme, for the spirit that you brought to the workshop and willingness to both share your experiences and ideas and being open to hearing each other.


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